March 2011 Archives by author
Starting: Tue Mar 1 07:54:25 UTC 2011
Ending: Thu Mar 31 13:56:05 UTC 2011
Messages: 110
- [Pdns-users] getting stats for pdns
Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
- [Pdns-users] master-slave serial problem
Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
- [Pdns-users] master-slave serial problem
Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
- [Pdns-users] master-slave serial problem
Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
- [Pdns-users] CNAME pointing to URL forwarding record
Leen Besselink
- [Pdns-users] CNAME pointing to URL forwarding record
Leen Besselink
- [Pdns-users] SOA serial number editing on re-signing of a zone / RRSIG changes
James Cloos
- [Pdns-users] how do query the recursor cache to see what's in it?
Alfred B. M. Cordero
- [Pdns-users] how do query the recursor cache to see what's in it?
Alfred B. M. Cordero
- [Pdns-users] how do query the recursor cache to see what's in it?
Alfred B. M. Cordero
- [Pdns-users] how do query the recursor cache to see what's in it?
Alfred B. M. Cordero
- [Pdns-users] how do query the recursor cache to see what's in it?
Alfred B. M. Cordero
- [Pdns-users] How to define minimum TTL for any domain?
Alfred B. M. Cordero
- [Pdns-users] How to define minimum TTL for any domain?
Alfred B. M. Cordero
- [Pdns-users] low TTL, recursor and preresolve
Alfred B. M. Cordero
- [Pdns-users] low TTL, recursor and preresolve
Alfred B. M. Cordero
- [Pdns-users] query logging (per host?)
Alfred B. M. Cordero
- [Pdns-users] Kim
kim Doff
- [Pdns-users] TSIG and DNSSEC
kim Doff
- [Pdns-users] CNAME pointing to URL forwarding record
Anthony Eden
- [Pdns-users] CNAME pointing to URL forwarding record
Anthony Eden
- [Pdns-users] CNAME pointing to URL forwarding record
Anthony Eden
- [Pdns-users] PowerDNS + Redis, using PyPdnsRedis
Bjarni RĂșnar Einarsson
- [Pdns-users] PowerDNS + Redis, using PyPdnsRedis
Bjarni RĂșnar Einarsson
- [Pdns-users] query logging (per host?)
Mark Felder
- [Pdns-users] getting stats for pdns
Liong Kok Foo
- [Pdns-users] SOA serial and auto-serial upgrade confusion
Stephen Harker
- [Pdns-users] Multiple Masters causing strange issue
Stephen Harker
- [Pdns-users] [gmysql] How about add CLIENT_MULTI_RESULTS to ?
Bert Hubert
- [Pdns-users] Weird messages on log
Maroon Ibrahim
- [Pdns-users] Some sites are not resolving
Maroon Ibrahim
- [Pdns-users] Some sites are not resolving
Maroon Ibrahim
- [Pdns-users] how do query the recursor cache to see what's in it?
Kenneth Marshall
- [Pdns-users] how do query the recursor cache to see what's in it?
Kenneth Marshall
- [Pdns-users] how do query the recursor cache to see what's in it?
Kenneth Marshall
- [Pdns-users] how do query the recursor cache to see what's in it?
Kenneth Marshall
- [Pdns-users] Mongo DB and Powerdns
Kenneth Marshall
- [Pdns-users] Some sites are not resolving
Kenneth Marshall
- [Pdns-users] How to define minimum TTL for any domain?
Kenneth Marshall
- [Pdns-users] low TTL, recursor and preresolve
Kenneth Marshall
- [Pdns-users] low TTL, recursor and preresolve
Kenneth Marshall
- [Pdns-users] Heading up to PowerDNS Authoritative Server release 3.0: please check your open tickets
Kenneth Marshall
- [Pdns-users] master-slave serial problem
Kenneth Marshall
- [Pdns-users] Heading up to PowerDNS Authoritative Server release 3.0: please check your open tickets
Christof Meerwald
- [Pdns-users] SOA serial number editing on re-signing of a zone / RRSIG changes
Christof Meerwald
- [Pdns-users] Mongo DB and Powerdns
Jan-Piet Mens
- [Pdns-users] Mongo DB and Powerdns
Jan-Piet Mens
- [Pdns-users] PowerDNS authoritative: AXFR ignored when SOA serial wraps
Jan-Piet Mens
- [Pdns-users] PowerDNS + Redis, using PyPdnsRedis
Jan-Piet Mens
- [Pdns-users] SOA serial number editing on re-signing of a zone / RRSIG changes
Jan-Piet Mens
- [Pdns-users] SOA serial number editing on re-signing of a zone / RRSIG changes
Jan-Piet Mens
- [Pdns-users] pdns error sendto
Nick Milas
- [Pdns-users] Heading up to PowerDNS Authoritative Server release 3.0: please check your open tickets
Nick Milas
- [Pdns-users] Status of the LDAP backend in 3.0 release
Nick Milas
- [Pdns-users] Status of the LDAP backend in 3.0 release
Nick Milas
- [Pdns-users] Status of the LDAP backend in 3.0 release
Nick Milas
- [Pdns-users] Status of the LDAP backend in 3.0 release
Nick Milas
- [Pdns-users] Status of the LDAP backend in 3.0 release
Nick Milas
- [Pdns-users] Status of the LDAP backend in 3.0 release
Nick Milas
- [Pdns-users] Forward IPv6 Requests?
Nick Milas
- [Pdns-users] Status of the LDAP backend in 3.0 release
Angel Bosch Mora
- [Pdns-users] Status of the LDAP backend in 3.0 release
Angel Bosch Mora
- [Pdns-users] Malformed messages when not in cache
Kevin O'Connor
- [Pdns-users] Malformed messages when not in cache
Kevin O'Connor
- [Pdns-users] ipv6 recursor - how ?
Pascal R.
- [Pdns-users] Forward IPv6 Requests?
Pascal R.
- [Pdns-users] Status of the LDAP backend in 3.0 release
Udo Rader
- [Pdns-users] Status of the LDAP backend in 3.0 release
Udo Rader
- [Pdns-users] Configure PowerDNS recursor as NON RECURSIVE
Stefan Schmidt
- [Pdns-users] How to define minimum TTL for any domain?
Stefan Schmidt
- [Pdns-users] CNAME pointing to URL forwarding record
Stefan Schmidt
- [Pdns-users] CNAME pointing to URL forwarding record
Stefan Schmidt
- [Pdns-users] pdns-server, DNS-SD and \032 in record labels
Andy Smith
- [Pdns-users] pdns-server, DNS-SD and \032 in record labels
Andy Smith
- [Pdns-users] master-slave serial problem
Vasiliy G Tolstov
- [Pdns-users] master-slave serial problem
Vasiliy G Tolstov
- [Pdns-users] master-slave serial problem
Vasiliy G Tolstov
- [Pdns-users] current svn crushes...
Vasiliy G Tolstov
- [Pdns-users] current svn crushes...
Vasiliy G Tolstov
- [Pdns-users] probably fixed Re: current svn crushes...
Vasiliy G Tolstov
- [Pdns-users] error notify master to itself with it's own zone
Vasiliy G Tolstov
- [Pdns-users] error notify master to itself with it's own zone
Vasiliy G Tolstov
- [Pdns-users] Configure PowerDNS recursor as NON RECURSIVE
Adriel Torres
- [Pdns-users] [gmysql] How about add CLIENT_MULTI_RESULTS to ?
Sandro Tosi
- [Pdns-users] [gmysql] How about add CLIENT_MULTI_RESULTS to ?
Sandro Tosi
- [Pdns-users] [gmysql] How about add CLIENT_MULTI_RESULTS to ?
Sandro Tosi
- [Pdns-users] master-slave serial problem
Nick Williams
- [Pdns-users] Status of the LDAP backend in 3.0 release
Nick Williams
- [Pdns-users] importing dns cache dump
Oguz Yilmaz
- [Pdns-users] Forward IPv6 Requests?
Maik Zumstrull
- [Pdns-users] getting stats for pdns
Ruben '_cyclops_' d'Arco
- [Pdns-users] Mongo DB and Powerdns
fredrik danerklint
- [Pdns-users] PowerDNS + Redis, using PyPdnsRedis
fredrik danerklint
- [Pdns-users] Mongo DB and PowerDNS part 2
fredrik danerklint
- [Pdns-users] Configure PowerDNS recursor as NON RECURSIVE
- [Pdns-users] Configure PowerDNS recursor as NON RECURSIVE
- [Pdns-users] Configure PowerDNS recursor as NON RECURSIVE
- [Pdns-users] Format of private keys in PowerDNSSEC (gmysql) doesn't correspond to BIND's
bert hubert
- [Pdns-users] authoritative server freezes while processing NOTIFYs
bert hubert
- [Pdns-users] Malformed messages when not in cache
bert hubert
- [Pdns-users] Mongo DB and Powerdns
bert hubert
- [Pdns-users] pdns-server, DNS-SD and \032 in record labels
bert hubert
- [Pdns-users] PowerDNS authoritative: AXFR ignored when SOA serial wraps
bert hubert
- [Pdns-users] [gmysql] How about add CLIENT_MULTI_RESULTS to ?
bert hubert
- [Pdns-users] Heading up to PowerDNS Authoritative Server release 3.0: please check your open tickets
bert hubert
- [Pdns-users] Status of the LDAP backend in 3.0 release
bert hubert
- [Pdns-users] SOA serial number editing on re-signing of a zone / RRSIG changes
bert hubert
- [Pdns-users] current svn crushes...
bert hubert
- [Pdns-users] probably fixed Re: current svn crushes...
bert hubert
- [Pdns-users] error notify master to itself with it's own zone
bert hubert
Last message date:
Thu Mar 31 13:56:05 UTC 2011
Archived on: Fri Feb 12 09:08:59 UTC 2016
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).