[Pdns-users] How to define minimum TTL for any domain?

Alfred B. M. Cordero otto-pilot at hushmail.com
Wed Mar 16 18:18:39 UTC 2011

On Wed, 16 Mar 2011 10:59:26 -0700 Kenneth Marshall <ktm at rice.edu> 
>If it is a domain for which you are authoritative, you can set
>it to be whatever you wish it to be in the pdns server zone
>records. If it is a zone that you get through recursion, I
>think you can use a lua script in the 3.3+ version of the
>pdns-recursor to adjust the TTL returned to your clients.

Thanks you for your time Kenneth and Stefan. I didn't include the 
important part that I am asking about the recursor only. I will 
look at lua. We may look at iptables also.

There seems to be a large potential for a DoS if upstream the TTL 
gets changed extremely low. Making them low would make the cache 
expire and there would need to be another lookup.

Stefan the recursor.conf has places "Don't change". Does the tree 
make a sound while no one around? Or does a config that doesn't 
change need to be a config? Or does the code need to be 

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