[Pdns-users] How to Update from PDNS 4.1.14 to Latest?

Pieter Lexis pieter.lexis at powerdns.com
Thu Feb 25 06:18:56 UTC 2021

Hi Jackson,

On 2/25/21 3:21 AM, Jackson Yap via Pdns-users wrote:
> I have fixed the error. The issue is strangely the installer did not set
> the permission of pdns.conf correct.

The default permissions in the package allow the service to read the
file. but if indeed it wasn't 755, it won't wor. Since 4.4, PowerDNS is
started as the pdns user, so you could chown the config to root:pdns
with 750 permissions if you want to clamp it down.

> The update is almost perfect. Now I will just have to monitor for any
> errors/logs for the next few days.


> I have one question:
> pdnsutil check-all-zones
> As we have thousands over zones, can someone advise how can we use the
> command above just to list those errors only?

No, we check all the zones and dump both warnings and errors, but
`pdnsutil check-all-zones | grep -i error` should help here.


Pieter Lexis
PowerDNS.COM BV -- https://www.powerdns.com

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