[Pdns-users] Re: CNAMEs to non-local names with authoritative server as recursor

lists at deksai.com lists at deksai.com
Sun Jan 31 22:05:29 UTC 2016

>> I am using pdns-static-3.4.4-1.x86_64, and I have a pipe backend which 
>> modifies local records based on the clients location in the network.  
>> This means I need the authoritative server in front of the recursor so 
>> I can get their IP address.  The backend only handles the request if 
>> it finds an A records, otherwise it just sends END so it falls 
>> through, and pdns itself looks up the record in the database.  This 
>> works great, but I have a problem when it comes to serving CNAMEs that 
>> aren't local.  If they are local, it works fine.  For non-local 
>> records, from what I can see, the answer comes back from the database 
>> like server-1009579898.us-west-1.elb.amazonaws.com., then the server 
>> loops over the answer to find everything up to .com, finds nothing in 
>> the database, but I don't think it ever reaches out to the recursor.  
>> It then returns nothing to the client.  I suppose that makes sense as 
>> an authoritative server, but is there any way to get this situation to 
>> work?
> Can you provide examples of output? When asked directly from AUTH
> server you are supposed to get CNAME back if it's non-local.

Here are some logs from an instance of PDNS running to test this issue.  
Some background on the output, our environment is fairly complicated 
with many networks, which for historical reasons have a notion of 
belonging to "sides".  There are many duplicate host names on each side, 
so the DNS database has all of them in the database under the same name 
as if they were round-robin, but DNS will return the right one depending 
on which network the client is in, and whether they are looking for 
something on their side or not based on a variety of historical prefixes 
(local, remote, side1, side2 etc.).
That isn't relevant to my problem here, but may help explain what you 
are seeing.  The backend also only answers for A records it can handle, 
everything else falls through to a regular database lookup.

The problem comes below where the backend lets the query fall through to 
the database to find the CNAME.  CNAMEs which point to records in our 
domain work fine, but records outside our domain fail.  Below is the dig 
command I ran, and the output from PDNS:

dns1.la pdns $ dig -t ANY @localhost -p 63 status-aws.domain.local

; <<>> DiG 9.9.4-RedHat-9.9.4-18.el7_1.5 <<>> -t ANY @localhost -p 63 
; (2 servers found)
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NXDOMAIN, id: 61123
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 1, ADDITIONAL: 0

;status-aws.domain.local.   IN  ANY

.           2707    IN  SOA a.root-servers.net. nstld.verisign-grs.com. 
2016013101 1800 900 604800 86400

;; Query time: 25 msec
;; WHEN: Sun Jan 31 22:46:52 UTC 2016
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 117

Jan 31 22:46:52 dns1 pdns-dev[21381]: Remote wants 
'status-aws.domain.local|ANY', do = 0, bufsize = 1680: packetcache MISS
Jan 31 22:46:52 dns1 pdns-dev[21381]: Distributor misses a thread (4<5), 
spawning new one
Jan 31 22:46:52 dns1 pdns-dev[21381]: Query: 'Q        
status-aws.domain.local        IN        SOA        -1'
Jan 31 22:46:52 dns1 auto-view-backend[21392]: Asked for 
status-aws.domain.local SOA by
Jan 31 22:46:52 dns1 auto-view-backend[21392]:
                                                 isn't in our networks, 
pretending it is on my side.
Jan 31 22:46:52 dns1 auto-view-backend[21392]: Client is in la
Jan 31 22:46:52 dns1 auto-view-backend[21392]: Client in la asked for 
Jan 31 22:46:52 dns1 auto-view-backend[21392]: Request is for a type SOA 
record.  Letting this fall through to the next backend.
Jan 31 22:46:52 dns1 auto-view-backend[21392]: No working A records 
given, falling through
Jan 31 22:46:52 dns1 pdns-dev[21381]: Query: 'Q        domain.local      
   IN        SOA        -1'
Jan 31 22:46:52 dns1 auto-view-backend[21392]: Asked for domain.local 
SOA by
Jan 31 22:46:52 dns1 auto-view-backend[21392]:
                                                 isn't in our networks, 
pretending it is on my side.
Jan 31 22:46:52 dns1 auto-view-backend[21392]: Client is in la
Jan 31 22:46:52 dns1 auto-view-backend[21392]: Client in la asked for 
Jan 31 22:46:52 dns1 auto-view-backend[21392]: Request is for a type SOA 
record.  Letting this fall through to the next backend.
Jan 31 22:46:52 dns1 auto-view-backend[21392]: No working A records 
given, falling through
Jan 31 22:46:52 dns1 pdns-dev[21381]: Query for 'local' type 'SOA' 
failed regex 'domain.local'
Jan 31 22:46:52 dns1 pdns-dev[21381]: Query for '' type 'SOA' failed 
regex 'domain.local'
Jan 31 22:46:52 dns1 pdns-dev[21381]: Query: SELECT 
content,ttl,prio,type,domain_id,disabled::int,name,auth::int FROM 
records WHERE disabled=false and type='SOA' and 
Jan 31 22:46:52 dns1 pdns-dev[21381]: Query: SELECT 
content,ttl,prio,type,domain_id,disabled::int,name,auth::int FROM 
records WHERE disabled=false and type='SOA' and name=E'domain.local'
Jan 31 22:46:52 dns1 pdns-dev[21381]: Query: select max(change_date) 
from records where domain_id=1
Jan 31 22:46:52 dns1 pdns-dev[21381]: Query: 'Q        
status-aws.domain.local        IN        NS        1'
Jan 31 22:46:52 dns1 auto-view-backend[21392]: Asked for 
status-aws.domain.local NS by
Jan 31 22:46:52 dns1 auto-view-backend[21392]:
                                                 isn't in our networks, 
pretending it is on my side.
Jan 31 22:46:52 dns1 auto-view-backend[21392]: Client is in la
Jan 31 22:46:52 dns1 auto-view-backend[21392]: Client in la asked for 
Jan 31 22:46:52 dns1 auto-view-backend[21392]: Request is for a type NS 
record.  Letting this fall through to the next backend.
Jan 31 22:46:52 dns1 auto-view-backend[21392]: No working A records 
given, falling through
Jan 31 22:46:52 dns1 pdns-dev[21381]: Query: SELECT 
content,ttl,prio,type,domain_id,disabled::int,name,auth::int FROM 
records WHERE disabled=false and type='NS' and 
name=E'status-aws.domain.local' and domain_id=1
Jan 31 22:46:52 dns1 pdns-dev[21381]: Query: 'Q        
status-aws.domain.local        IN        ANY        1'
Jan 31 22:46:52 dns1 auto-view-backend[21392]: Asked for 
status-aws.domain.local ANY by
Jan 31 22:46:52 dns1 auto-view-backend[21392]:
                                                 isn't in our networks, 
pretending it is on my side.
Jan 31 22:46:52 dns1 auto-view-backend[21392]: Client is in la
Jan 31 22:46:52 dns1 auto-view-backend[21392]: Client in la asked for 
Jan 31 22:46:52 dns1 auto-view-backend[21392]: No working A records 
given, falling through
Jan 31 22:46:52 dns1 pdns-dev[21381]: Query: SELECT 
content,ttl,prio,type,domain_id,disabled::int,name,auth::int FROM 
records WHERE disabled=false and name=E'status-aws.domain.local' and 
Jan 31 22:46:52 dns1 pdns-dev[21381]: Query for 
'internal-domain-status-1009579898.us-west-1.elb.amazonaws.com' type 
'SOA' failed regex 'domain.local'
Jan 31 22:46:52 dns1 pdns-dev[21381]: Query for 
'us-west-1.elb.amazonaws.com' type 'SOA' failed regex 'domain.local'
Jan 31 22:46:52 dns1 pdns-dev[21381]: Query for 'elb.amazonaws.com' type 
'SOA' failed regex 'domain.local'
Jan 31 22:46:52 dns1 pdns-dev[21381]: Query for 'amazonaws.com' type 
'SOA' failed regex 'domain.local'
Jan 31 22:46:52 dns1 pdns-dev[21381]: Query for 'com' type 'SOA' failed 
regex 'domain.local'
Jan 31 22:46:52 dns1 pdns-dev[21381]: Query for '' type 'SOA' failed 
regex 'domain.local'
Jan 31 22:46:52 dns1 pdns-dev[21381]: Query: SELECT 
content,ttl,prio,type,domain_id,disabled::int,name,auth::int FROM 
records WHERE disabled=false and type='SOA' and 
Jan 31 22:46:52 dns1 pdns-dev[21381]: Query: SELECT 
content,ttl,prio,type,domain_id,disabled::int,name,auth::int FROM 
records WHERE disabled=false and type='SOA' and 
Jan 31 22:46:52 dns1 pdns-dev[21381]: Query: SELECT 
content,ttl,prio,type,domain_id,disabled::int,name,auth::int FROM 
records WHERE disabled=false and type='SOA' and 
Jan 31 22:46:52 dns1 pdns-dev[21381]: Query: SELECT 
content,ttl,prio,type,domain_id,disabled::int,name,auth::int FROM 
records WHERE disabled=false and type='SOA' and name=E'amazonaws.com'
Jan 31 22:46:52 dns1 pdns-dev[21381]: Query: SELECT 
content,ttl,prio,type,domain_id,disabled::int,name,auth::int FROM 
records WHERE disabled=false and type='SOA' and name=E'com'
Jan 31 22:46:52 dns1 pdns-dev[21381]: Query: SELECT 
content,ttl,prio,type,domain_id,disabled::int,name,auth::int FROM 
records WHERE disabled=false and type='SOA' and name=E''
Jan 31 22:46:52 dns1 pdns-dev[21381]: Backend launched with banner: OK   
      auto-view backend starting
Jan 31 22:46:52 dns1 pdns-dev[21381]: gpgsql Connection successful. 
Connected to database 'powerdns' on ''.


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