[Pdns-users] Installing PowerDNS 4.x authorative server on Debian Jessie

Volker Janzen volker at janzen.onl
Tue Aug 2 20:15:44 UTC 2016

Hi Remi,

I can now say why it works with the 2.6.32x RHEL kernel, they backported the required feature: https://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2015-0864.html

So systemd only has issues when not using the RHEL version of 2.6.32x kernel or using kernel < 3.5.

Finally I can say it's fine to run PowerDNS on Debian Jessie when using the 3.16 kernel shipped with Jessie (kernel upgrade required when upgrading from Wheezy!) or when running the current RHEL 2.6.32 for OpenVZ.


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