[Pdns-users] unwanted SERVFAIL with bind backend

Matthias Leopold matthias at aic.at
Fri Jun 28 15:02:14 UTC 2013

Am 2013-06-28 09:39, schrieb Peter van Dijk:
> Hello Pawel,
> On Jun 28, 2013, at 9:05 , Pawel Panek wrote:
>>> 3.2 will reply with 'NOERROR' for any non-existing domain, and I am not aware
>>> how to change this, spare altering the code. sending REFUSED is ok, but
>>> replying with NXDOMAIN is basically claiming that "yeah, i am sure this does
>>> not exists anywhere".
>> I was wondering why authoritative pdns is answering to non-existing
>> domains with NOERROR status while other dns servers I know (bind.
>> mydns) and many other I checked on the net always respond with
>> SERVFAIL or REFUSED. I thought I have a bug in my backend but
>> according to above this is correct answer for such domains.
> We do this because we believe it provides optimal interoperability.
>> Following OP question: isn't this answer causing troubles for domain registrars?
> We have had zero reports about our empty no-aa NOERROR causing domain registrar trouble, before this thread.
> If nic.at really chokes on the NOERROR, this is a recent change, and we would like to hear more about it.
> Kind regards,


these are the requirements for the process of a zone deletion by nic.at


they only talk about REFUSED and NXDOMAIN. in the past i experienced 
that SERVFAIL indeed doesn't pass their check, so my intended 
administrative zone deletion requests at nic.at didn't succed. when i 
asked about NOERROR (which i could produce using "send-root-referral") 
they pointed me to the above


Mit freundlichen GrĂ¼ssen

Matthias Leopold
System & Network Administration

Streams Telecommunicationsservices GmbH
Universitaetsstrasse 10/7, 1090 Vienna, Austria

tel: +43 1 40159113
fax: +43 1 40159300

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