[Pdns-users] redirect non existent records

Kalpesh Thaker kalpesh at webdevworld.com
Fri Oct 16 07:19:26 UTC 2009


I think you may need to setup a recursor on your nameserver.

This will allow you to resolve hosts without the need to setup any records for 
domains that you are not the authority for, in order resolve their hostnames. 

Im not sure what dist of linux you are using, but on debian, you can install 
the pdns recursor with the pdns-recursor package if im not mistaken.

please see the following link for more info on the pdn recursor


all the best


On Friday 16 October 2009 9:03:43 am Angel Bosch Mora wrote:
> hi,
> noob here. pls be patient.
> i've configured two internal domains without any problems.
> now i need to resolv some FQDN that dont belong to me, so i created a new
> domain and added 4 records.
> how can i force redirection when a client asks for an entry that isn't any
> of that 4?
> i've been reading something about NXDOMAIN but i'm a little lost here.
> regards,
> abosch
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