[Pdns-users] Anyone working on a PHP API?

Kenneth Kalmer kenneth.kalmer at gmail.com
Wed Feb 11 06:45:52 UTC 2009

On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 8:31 AM, David Ordal <david at ordal.com> wrote:

> We're working on an app that needs to read and write directly to our
> PowerDNS MySQL database. I know its not that hard to write directly to the
> DB, but I thought I'd put out a call to see if anyone is working on a PHP
> API to manage info in the DB.

Are you looking for an ADODB-like library, or a RESTful interface to a
PowerDNS installation?

The reason I'm asking is that I develop the PowerDNS on Rails (
http://kennethkalmer.github.com/powerdns-on-rails) project and I've already
included a lot of undocumented REST API features that we use from other
clients. I'd be happy to explore the option of extending the API further.


Kenneth Kalmer
kenneth.kalmer at gmail.com
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