[Pdns-users] Project back-end admin for powerdns

Kenneth Kalmer kenneth.kalmer at gmail.com
Fri Apr 17 18:45:02 UTC 2009

On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 5:06 PM, Julian Pawlowski <lists at propenguin.net>wrote:

> > Another option is PowerDNS on Rails available at
> > http://kennethkalmer.github.com/powerdns-on-rails/
> I saw it a few weeks ago but didn't try it yet. Mainly because it
> depends on the installation of Ruby on Rails on my servers and I would
> like to avoid any more complexity or dependencies if possible... maybe
> I will give it a try once but I would prefer to have something that is
> just based on PHP because every normal webserver supports it. I'm even
> wondering why this has been implemented in Ruby as the functionality
> is not that complex as that it couldn't be done in PHP very easily.

Hi Julian

Thanks for the feedback.

I'm a Ruby developer by trade, hence PowerDNS is written in Rails. I've had
my fair share of PHP in my life, and will be a happy man not working with it
ever again. This is my own opinion, and I reserve the right to it.

As for the complexity, deploying Rails on Apache has been made very simple
with Passenger (www.modrails.com). I'll be happy to update the PowerDNS on
Rails wiki with some links and guidelines to get going. But once Passenger
is installed, all you need is the code from github. PowerDNS on  Rails
requires no external dependencies, except for Ruby 1.8.6 and Rubygems 1.3.
I'll need to know which operating systems (excl Windows) to target the
guides to though.

Looking forward to helping where I can so you guys can give it a spin.


Kenneth Kalmer
kenneth.kalmer at gmail.com
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