[Pdns-users] Duplicate SOA while using dig and zone2sql

Augie Schwer augie.schwer at gmail.com
Wed Apr 23 23:36:00 UTC 2008

On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 2:52 PM, Mick Pollard <lists at lunix.com.au> wrote:
>  To migrate from bind to pdns-mysql I plan on just adding all my domains into pdns as slaves with the existing bind as master and let it do axfr's and populate the db for me.
>  Then when it is complete I will just update all the zones via sql to be of type 'NATIVE', shut down bind and move powerdns to port 53.
>  Can anyone see a problem with this ? It looks alot easier than the zone2sql way.

In that case you may be interested in using the Supermaster feature of PowerDNS:


Augie Schwer - Augie at Schwer.us - http://schwer.us
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