[Pdns-users] Duplicate SOA while using dig and zone2sql

Mick Pollard lists at lunix.com.au
Wed Apr 23 21:52:59 UTC 2008

On Tue, 22 Apr 2008 10:36:40 -0700
"Eugene Pefti" <eugenep at w3media.net> wrote:

> Hi folks,
> I've just discovered one peculiar bug with dig utility while doing domains
> migration with zone2sql.
> I guess dnswalk is a better alternative to dig but just in case is there
> anything that could be done to fix it?
> Eugene
To migrate from bind to pdns-mysql I plan on just adding all my domains into pdns as slaves with the existing bind as master and let it do axfr's and populate the db for me.
Then when it is complete I will just update all the zones via sql to be of type 'NATIVE', shut down bind and move powerdns to port 53.
Can anyone see a problem with this ? It looks alot easier than the zone2sql way.

Mick Pollard ( lunix )
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Minor Transmission Crashdump
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