[Pdns-users] PDS bind backed problem - creating dummy dns

Viper viper at vipernet.hu
Wed Apr 23 13:18:28 UTC 2008

Hi all,


I'm trying to create a dummy dns server ( respond same IP for all queries).


The following configuration work just fine in bind, but not in PDS:


$TTL 86400

@               IN      SOA     ns.localhost. admin.localhost. (

                                2008032714      ; Serial

                                8H      ; Refresh

                                2H      ; Retry

                                1W      ; Expire

                                1D)     ; Minimum

*               A


I'm getting NXDOMAIN from PDNS (in the log it says it's authorative
answare). If I put let's say "tryme.com IN A", then I get the
correct answare. Is this a bug, or I've done something wrong with the


/* named.conf is just:


zone "." {

                type master;

                file "db.dummy";



Thanks for your help in advance,



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