[Pdns-users] dynamic load balacing

Duane duane at e164.org
Mon May 21 14:34:07 UTC 2007

fatih cerit wrote:
> Hi
> Is it possible to query requesting client's ip address in backend query 
> like %s ??? I am looking for dynamic load balancing of my clients on sip 
> network but first I must authenticate them. If I get the requesting 
> client ip address/natted ip address in the backend  queries I will be 
> able to load balance and be able to route some reguest where ever I 
> want.  Is there any one who can help for is it possible or not.

Why not use SRV records, SRV records are specifically there for fail 
over and load balancing etc etc etc and things like 
FreeSwitch/SER/OpenSER handle such things very seamlessly (unlike other 
VoIP apps that will remain nameless that have crappy SIP stacks)...

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