[Pdns-users] mysql vs postgresql

Norbert Sendetzky norbert at linuxnetworks.de
Mon Feb 5 08:42:45 UTC 2007

Hi Adam

> On a same of 100K zones and using the queryperf tool available with bind
> (selecting each record from each zone) over a 10 minute run, both
> untuned postgresql and mysql was able to handle around 2000 qps.
> After tuning both Postgresql and Mysql, I was able to reach 2500 qps on
> Postgresql however mysql stayed at 2000 qps.

Could you give me more information about your setup? Which distribution and 
with versions of PowerDNS and the databases do you use? Which PowerDNS 
backends were used to connect to the databases and what were the 
optimizations you've done?


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