[Pdns-users] new snapshot service, LDAP, openDBX
bert hubert
bert.hubert at netherlabs.nl
Sun Jan 15 21:32:55 UTC 2006
Sent the below to -announce instead of to -users, apologies:
----- Forwarded message from bert hubert <bert.hubert at netherlabs.nl> -----
Date: Sun, 15 Jan 2006 22:31:29 +0100
From: bert hubert <bert.hubert at netherlabs.nl>
To: pdns-dev at mailman.powerdns.com, pdns-announce at mailman.powerdns.com
Cc: Norbert Sendetzky <norbert at linuxnetworks.de>
Cc: Paul van Tilburg <paul at luon.net>
Subject: [Pdns-announce] new snapshot service, LDAP, openDBX
I've added the OpenDBX database backend by Norbert, and also his LDAP
updates. Thanks Norbert!
To benefit from the latest features in PowerDNS, from now on you can find
much more regular builds on:
The directory numbers correspond to commits as listed in the timeline:
Currently three releases are built, a tar.gz, a linux static deb and a linux
static rpm.
LDAP and OpenDBX aren't yet turned on in the static builds, I'll try to make
that happen soonest. They are included in the tar.gz though, from build 559
and onwards.
Good luck, and let me know if everything works as intended.
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