[Pdns-users] Strange pdns SOA results * 2

Christopher Arnold chris at arnold.se
Thu Feb 2 21:15:57 UTC 2006

Hi all,

im in the process of migration to pdns and have run into something very 
strange. (My fix actually revealed an even stranger issue...)

Im moving an domain from another provider and .se checks to see that dns 
is corecctly setup before transfering the delegation to us. Thats a good 


When i have the recursor enabled pdns ansvers with the SOA record of the 
provider we are migration from. All other records get served from the 
local database. Is this a bug or a feature? If a feature please explain 

(im makeing the query with "dig @ns1.infotropic.com frankpr.se soa" since 
the .se zone dosnt get updated untill we get things right)

Ok, something strange going on. So to fix this issue i tried to disable 
the recursor. Now things get even more magic...

When i query for the SOA value using:
dig @ns1.infotropic.com frankpr.se soa

I get the following answer:
infotropic.com.         3600    IN      SOA     ns.infotropic.com. 
patri.patrik.com. 2006011302 3600 3600 604800 86400

This is the SOA record for infotropic.com!

Yes frankpr.se has two NS records ns.infotropic.com and ns1.infotropic.com 
but why does the SOA record get inherited from infotropic.com?

This shurely must be a bug?


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