[Pdns-users] hosts file

Mark Watts m.watts at eris.qinetiq.com
Mon Dec 11 09:54:20 UTC 2006

> Hi,
> I have a large amount of domains which I do not want my network to have
> access to, they are contained in a text file. (I am prepared to perform
> regular expressions on this if needed to get it into a format pdns can
> accept)
> How can I combine this list with powerdns, such that any lookups for
> these hosts will return for instance, instead of the true IP.
> This is to protect my users from adult content.
> pdns is running on xubuntu with 2 nics, 0.7 internet, 2.7 local
> (protected) LAN.
> Thank you.

You could try adding them to an /etc/hosts file and using 
"export-etc-hosts=on" in the pdns-recursor config file.


Mark Watts BSc RHCE MBCS
Senior Systems Engineer
QinetiQ Trusted Information Management
Trusted Solutions and Services Group
GPG Public Key ID: 455420ED

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