[Pdns-users] Patch to powerdns for autoserial with gsql backend

bert hubert ahu at ds9a.nl
Sun Feb 29 20:58:16 UTC 2004

On Sun, Feb 29, 2004 at 02:36:58PM -0500, Derrik Pates wrote:

> Ok, I am attaching a revised version of the autoserial patch. I built a 
> version of PowerDNS 2.9.16 with this patch included, and it gets the 
> domain serials correctly, and builds cleanly. Let me know if you think 
> it needs any extra tweaking.

We're almost there :-)

> +// Implementing this as an alternative to my previous tactic, as suggested
> +// by Bert. This would be easier if I could just call the superclass method...

You can, just call DNSBackend::getSOA(domain, sd) - not sure if that fits in
entirely though.
> +bool GSQLBackend::getSOA(const string &domain, SOAData &sd)
> +{
> +  this->lookup(QType(QType::SOA),domain,0);
> +
> +  DNSResourceRecord rr;
> +
> +  int hits=0;
> +
> +  while (this->get(rr)) {
> +    hits++;
> +    DNSPacket::fillSOAData(rr.content, sd);
> +    sd.domain_id=rr.domain_id;
> +    sd.ttl=rr.ttl;
> +  }
> +
> +  if (!hits)
> +    return false;
> +
> +  if (sd.nameserver.empty())
> +    sd.nameserver=arg()["default-soa-name"];
> +
> +  if(sd.hostmaster.empty())
> +    sd.hostmaster="hostmaster."+domain;
> +
> +  if (!sd.serial) { // try to get the serial number automagically
> +    char output[1024];
> +
> +    // We do this by asking the backend what the max serial number is among
> +    // all the records it knows for the domain we're looking at.
> +    snprintf(output, sizeof(output)-1, d_ZoneSerialQuery.c_str(), sd.domain_id);
> +
> +    try {
> +      d_db->doQuery(output, d_result);
> +    } catch (SSqlException &e) {
> +      throw AhuException("Database error trying to query serial for domain_id "+itoa(sd.domain_id)+": "+e.txtReason());
> +    }
> +
> +    if (!d_result.empty())
> +      sd.serial = atoi(d_result[0][0].c_str());
> +  }

You can probably call DNSBackend::getSOA here.

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