[Pdns-users] Patch to powerdns for autoserial with gsql backend

Derrik Pates dpates at dsdk12.net
Sun Feb 29 19:36:58 UTC 2004

bert hubert wrote:
> This will work but it is wrong from an architectural point of view. The idea
> is that the DNSBackend::getSOA is dumb and that if backends have smarter
> ways to determine the SOA, including the serial, they can override getSOA.
> So the 'right' way to do this is to leave dnsbackend.cc along and have
> gsqlbackend.cc contain the code you added to getSOA there.

Ok, I am attaching a revised version of the autoserial patch. I built a 
version of PowerDNS 2.9.16 with this patch included, and it gets the 
domain serials correctly, and builds cleanly. Let me know if you think 
it needs any extra tweaking.

Derrik Pates
dpates at dsdk12.net
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