[Pdns-users] Fancy-records and urlredirector

Steven J. Sobol sjsobol at JustThe.net
Thu Jun 12 12:31:15 UTC 2003

On Thu, 12 Jun 2003, A/S ScanNet - Dan Faerch wrote:

> > fancy records sound alots like a fancy form of cname.  interesting
> > feature.
> Well.. Very fancy cname maybe ;)..  But the importent difference is that you
> have the "content" field free to hold the information about url's, instead
> of holding an IP or the "Just" a domainname.. Its get's the ip for the
> a-record from the config, and thus leaving the content field free to do eg:
> www.test.com - URL -
> http://login:now@mysite.com/my_test_com/index.php?ref_domain=www.test.com
> and then having the redirector-webserver forward the user to that excact
> address..

People expecting other DNS resolvers to work with this completely 
proprietary, non-standard DNS RR will be very disappointed. Whose idea was 
this? Are they trying to break things?

DNS is not equipped to serve URIs/URLs.

Steven J. Sobol, Geek In Charge, JustThe.net 
POTS: Toll Free from anywhere in the USA or Canada, 888.480.4NET (4638)
HTTP: www.JustTheNetLLC.com
MAIL: 5686 Davis Drive, Mentor on the Lake, OH 44060-2752

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