[Pdns-users] Question about behavior when settings invalid IP in domain A record

Brian Candler b.candler at pobox.com
Sat Jul 27 10:13:17 UTC 2024

On 27/07/2024 10:07, Jan-Piet Mens via Pdns-users wrote:
> interesting IP address. 

Indeed.  The OP emphasised that this is literally the invalid IP address 
they put in. If the first three octets are correct then the prefix 
belongs to a Czech internet exchange.

I think the point was, how is PowerDNS expected to handle malformed IP 
addresses? But without knowing the actual domain, we can't tell why they 
started to get NXDOMAIN as the OP claimed, and not (for example) 

I guess if they've already changed it and the problem has gone away, 
there's nothing to be learned now.
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