[Pdns-users] Protobuf - Telegraf

Djerk Geurts djerk at maizymoo.com
Fri Sep 30 23:56:45 UTC 2022


Has anyone managed to get Protobuf output logged through Telegraf? Telegraf is supposed to support Protobuf input but I’m getting the following error:

… E! [inputs.socket_listener] Unable to parse incoming line: proto: cannot parse invalid wire-format data

The Telegraf config I’m using:

  ## Protobuf listener for RPZ matched query logging
  service_address = "tcp://"
  data_format = "xpath_protobuf"
  xpath_protobuf_type = "PBDNSMessage"
  xpath_protobuf_file = "/etc/telegraf/dnsmessage.proto"
  xpath_print_document = true

I’m aware of a Protobuf listener written in Go that can output to InfluxDB, but I was hoping to avoid another piece of software when we’re already running Telegraf for the pdns-recursor stats. I just want to add logging of RPZ filtered queries.


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