[Pdns-users] LUA script for primary server

Djerk Geurts djerk at maizymoo.com
Mon Jun 6 09:52:19 UTC 2022

I’ve got a set of authoritative servers, all with the same MySQL backend. And am looking to catch nxdomain replies. All LUA suggestions I’ve found so far are for recursors, Is there no way to use the same LUA script on an authoritative server?

Jun 06 11:28:29 host.example.com pdns_server[3559402]: Fatal error: Trying to set unknown setting 'lua-dns-script’

What are my options if Lua for function nxdomain(dq) can’t be used on an authoritative server? Change the client facing authoritative servers with recursors or add dnsdist to the current client facing servers?

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