[Pdns-users] [LdapBackend] avoid writing PdnsDomainNotifiedSerial

Peter van Dijk peter.van.dijk at powerdns.com
Tue Jan 25 15:44:46 UTC 2022

Hello Michael,

On Fri, 2022-01-21 at 17:10 +0100, Michael Ströder via Pdns-users
> I have a very tiny and simple setup of PowerDNS Authorative server(s) 
> 4.5.3 with LDAP backend using native OpenLDAP replication. Each pdns 
> instance asks a single local LDAP server (via ldapi://). No need for 
> AXFR or IXFR or anything similar fancy in this setup. Also no LDAP 
> fail-over to multiple replicas.
> pdns tries to write attribute PdnsDomainNotifiedSerial even though it is 
> IMHO not needed in my setup. It fails because the LDAP server is 
> deliberately configured to not allow write access from the pdns service. 
> Also a pure read-only consumer replica does not accept write operations.
> Which configuration setting can I tweak to suppress writing 
> PdnsDomainNotifiedSerial?

primary=no / master=no should do the trick.

Kind regards,
Peter van Dijk
PowerDNS.COM BV - https://www.powerdns.com/

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