[Pdns-users] Implementing virtual domains

Frank Louwers frank+pdns at tembo.be
Mon Sep 28 06:47:52 UTC 2020

Hi Daniel,

Are these true aliases? (As in: every record can be copied exactly as it is, without changing anything). In that case, the ALIAS type should work for you (https://doc.powerdns.com/authoritative/guides/alias.html).

If these are more like "templates", (eg: mydomain.com MX mail.mydomain.com so myotherdomain.info should MX to mail.myotherdomain.info),  there's nothing you can do "out of the box" in PowerDNS, but you get a long way using custom SQL queries (https://doc.powerdns.com/authoritative/backends/generic-sql.html#regular-queries) but watch your indexes if you have a large of domains / records. Worst case, build the templating system outside of PowerDNS and have it create / manipulate the zones on demand.

Kind Regards,

Frank Louwers
Certified PowerDNS Consultant @ Kiwazo.be

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