[Pdns-users] Are queries towards RPZ domains supposed to use the packet cache?

Otto Moerbeek otto at drijf.net
Mon Feb 10 16:41:26 UTC 2020

On Mon, Feb 10, 2020 at 03:15:02PM +0100, Steinar Haug via Pdns-users wrote:

> I have previously used PowerDNS recursor and RPZ while treating all
> query sources equally. This works fine.
> I'm now trying to use RPZ to block copyright type domains selectively
> based on source IP from the query, by using Lua discardPolicy. I'm
> seeing an unexpected interaction with the packet cache.
> Environment: FreeBSD 12.1-STABLE, PowerDNS recursor 4.2.0 installed
> from FreeBSD package.
> Contents of lua-config-file:
> rpzFile("/usr/local/etc/pdns/copyright.zone", {policyName="copyright"})
> Contents of copyright.zone:
> $TTL 300
> @ SOA localhost. nobody.localhost. 42 1d 12h 1w 3h
> @ NS localhost.
> ;
> thepiratebay.se A
> *.thepiratebay.se A
> ...
> Contents of lua-dns-script:
> badips = newNMG()
> badips:addMask("")
> function prerpz(dq)
>     pdnslog("prerpz called")
>     if badips:match(dq.remoteaddr) then
>         pdnslog("prerpz match IP to skip copyright domain check")
>         dq:discardPolicy("copyright")
>     end
>     return false
> end
> Right after starting PowerDNS recursor (i.e. empty packetcache):
> - If I query from with an empty packetcache, the RPZ
> check is skipped, as expected, and I get
> thepiratebay.se.        3600    IN      SOA     a.ns14.net. curdsadns.internetx.de. 2018070501 43200 7200 1209600 432000
> - If I query from a different IP with an empty packetcache, the RPZ
> policy is used, and I get
> thepiratebay.se.        300     IN      A
> This all seems fine. However, if the packetcache already contains
> the reply to the query above (either the RPZ policy reply or the
> actual reply from for instance a.ns14.net), this reply is handed
> out to *all* query addresses. I.e. it appears as if the RPC policy
> check (or the skipping of same, from discardPolicy) happens after
> the packetcache is consulted. This is highly visible in the logs
> by using "trace=on" in the recursor.conf file.
> Example 1: Packetcache contains:
> thepiratebay.se.        3600    IN      SOA     a.ns14.net. curdsadns.internetx.de. 2018070501 43200 7200 1209600 432000
> because it was queried from right after startup.
> Subsequent queries, whether they come from or a
> different IP, show hits in the packetcache:
> Feb 10 14:54:48 x pdns_recursor[32563]: 3 question answered from packet cache tag=0 from
> Feb 10 14:54:50 x pdns_recursor[32563]: 3 question answered from packet cache tag=0 from
> Feb 10 14:55:10 x pdns_recursor[32563]: 3 question answered from packet cache tag=0 from
> Feb 10 14:55:13 x pdns_recursor[32563]: 3 question answered from packet cache tag=0 from
> and in the replies one can see that TTL counts down:
> thepiratebay.se.        3598    IN      SOA     a.ns14.net. curdsadns.internetx.de. 2018070501 43200 7200 1209600 432000
> thepiratebay.se.        3596    IN      SOA     a.ns14.net. curdsadns.internetx.de. 2018070501 43200 7200 1209600 432000
> etc.
> Example 2: Packetcache contains
> thepiratebay.se.        300     IN      A
> because it was queried from a different IP than
> right after startup. Subsequent queries, whether they come from
> or a different IP, show hits in the packetcache:
> Feb 10 15:04:04 x pdns_recursor[32627]: 3 question answered from packet cache tag=0 from
> Feb 10 15:04:06 x pdns_recursor[32627]: 3 question answered from packet cache tag=0 from
> Feb 10 15:04:12 x pdns_recursor[32627]: 3 question answered from packet cache tag=0 from
> Feb 10 15:04:14 x pdns_recursor[32627]: 3 question answered from packet cache tag=0 from
> and in the replies one can see that the TTP counts down:
> thepiratebay.se.        298     IN      A
> thepiratebay.se.        296     IN      A
> etc.
> My question is basically: Is this behavior expected? I find it highly
> surprising, since it basically means that the RPZ functionality (and
> whether it works or not) depends on packetcache contents.
> A small twist on the above behavior: If the query contains a DNS
> cookie (e.g. if generated by newer versions of dig), it seems the
> packetcache is not consulted - which means that RPZ works the way
> I want. But I cannot depend on DNS cookies always being set...
> Steinar Haug, AS2116
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Yes, this is expected. Look at


for the solution.


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