[Pdns-users] Trouble rolling a ZSK

Pieter Lexis pieter.lexis at powerdns.com
Mon Oct 14 15:56:30 UTC 2019

Hi Mike,

I spotted something that *might* be root of your issue (and perhaps a
small bug on our end).

On 10/14/19 9:54 AM, Mike Cardwell wrote:
> root at ned:~# pdnsutil add-zone-key parsemail.org zsk 1024 active rsasha1
> Added a ZSK with algorithm = 5, active=1
> Requested specific key size of 1024 bits
> 3
> root at ned:~# pdnsutil list-keys
> Zone                          Type    Size    Algorithm    ID   Locatio
> n    Keytag
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> -------------
> parsemail.org                 ZSK     1024    RSASHA1-NSEC3-SHA1
> 2    cryptokeys  8897
> parsemail.org                 ZSK     1024    RSASHA1-NSEC3-SHA1
> 3    cryptokeys  21947
> parsemail.org                 KSK     2048    RSASHA1-NSEC3-SHA1
> 1    cryptokeys  36696

A key with algo 5 (rsasha1) is created, but it looks like your zone uses
NSEC3, meaning PowerDNS will 'fake' algorithm 7 (Algorithm 5 can't be
used with NSEC3).

Could you verify with an SQL query (`select * from cryptokeys`) that the
existing keys are algo 7 in the database and the new one is 5?

> root at ned:~# pdnsutil list-keys
> Zone                          Type    Size    Algorithm    ID   Locatio
> n    Keytag
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> -------------
> parsemail.org                 CSK     2048    RSASHA1-NSEC3-SHA1
> 1    cryptokeys  36696
> parsemail.org                 CSK     1024    RSASHA1-NSEC3-SHA1
> 3    cryptokeys  21947
> So the ZSK was removed, but now the output lists the new ZSK as a CSK,
> and I'm still getting 2 RRSIGs. What have I done wrong or missed?

I *think* this might be the mix of algo 5 and 7 in the database. Can you
try to create the new key like this:

  pdnsutil add-zone-key parsemail.org zsk 1024 active rsasha1-nsec3-sha1

and test if you indeed see a good KSK/ZSK split? If so, there might be
some logic missing in handling the 'automatic' upgrade from algo 5 to 7
in NSEC3 zones.

Best regards,


Pieter Lexis
PowerDNS.COM BV -- https://www.powerdns.com

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