[Pdns-users] Question about PDNS SOA presentation.

frank+pdns at tembo.be frank+pdns at tembo.be
Wed Mar 6 08:46:55 UTC 2019

Hi Michael,

It seems you have pdns-auth, pdns-recursor and dnsdist installed. Could you tell us a bit more about your configuration? What’s listening on port 53, and how is it configured?


Frank Louwers
PowerDNS Certified Consultant

> On 6 Mar 2019, at 08:06, Michael Van Der Beek <michael.van at antlabs.com <mailto:michael.van at antlabs.com>> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I’m a bit confused about my SOA record.
> When I query it.
> dig @server1.cyber-mage.com SOA cyber-mage.com <http://cyber-mage.com/>
> ; <<>> DiG 9.9.4-RedHat-9.9.4-61.el7_5.1 <<>> @server1.cyber-mage.com SOA cyber-mage.com <http://cyber-mage.com/>
> ; (2 servers found)
> ;; global options: +cmd
> ;; Got answer:
> ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 5232
> ;; flags: qr aa rd; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1
> ;; WARNING: recursion requested but not available
> ; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 1680
> ;cyber-mage.com <http://cyber-mage.com/>.                        IN      SOA
> cyber-mage.com <http://cyber-mage.com/>.         86400   IN      SOA     ns1.linode.com <http://ns1.linode.com/>. hostmaster.cyber-mage.com <http://hostmaster.cyber-mage.com/>. 2019033066 28800 7200 1209600 86400
> ;; Query time: 219 msec
> ;; SERVER:
> ;; WHEN: Wed Mar 06 14:49:45 +08 2019
> ;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 101
> But my mysql records are:
> MariaDB [powerdns]> select * from records where type="SOA";
> +----+-----------+------------------------+------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------+------+-------------+----------+----------------------------------+------+
> | id | domain_id | name                   | type | content                                                                      | ttl   | prio | change_date | disabled | ordername                        | auth |
> +----+-----------+------------------------+------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------+------+-------------+----------+----------------------------------+------+
> |  1 |         1 | cyber-mage.com <http://cyber-mage.com/>         | SOA  | ns1.linode.com <http://ns1.linode.com/> hostmaster.cyber-mage.com <http://hostmaster.cyber-mage.com/> 2019030501 28800 7200 1209600 86400 | 86400 |    0 |        NULL |        0 | rvms80ecrvpfkr7n6a3ksp4tc5f2g9bk |    1 |
> | 23 |         2 | 187.14.72.in-addr.arpa | SOA  | ns1.linode.com <http://ns1.linode.com/> hostmaster.cyber-mage.com <http://hostmaster.cyber-mage.com/> 2019022501 28800 7200 1209600 86400 | 86400 |    0 |        NULL |        0 |                                  |    1 |
> +----+-----------+------------------------+------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------+------+-------------+----------+----------------------------------+------+
> And
> MariaDB [powerdns]> select * from domains;
> +----+------------------------+--------+------------+--------+-----------------+---------+
> | id | name                   | master | last_check | type   | notified_serial | account |
> +----+------------------------+--------+------------+--------+-----------------+---------+
> |  1 | cyber-mage.com <http://cyber-mage.com/>         | NULL   |       NULL | MASTER |      2019030501 | NULL    |
> |  2 | 187.14.72.in-addr.arpa | NULL   |       NULL | MASTER |      2019022501 | NULL    |
> +----+------------------------+--------+------------+--------+-----------------+---------+
> How come the values are different? What am I doing wrong?
> Regards,
> Michael
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