[Pdns-users] dealing with 30s TTL on NS/MX records (national-lottery.co.uk.)

Thomas Mieslinger miesi at mail.com
Tue Dec 3 19:51:00 UTC 2019


I run a recursive DNS for a Mailsystem with 10s of millions of mailboxes.

Customers are sending or receiving mail from/to national-lottery.co.uk.

national-lottery.co.uk. has a ttl of 30s on MX and NS records.

My pdns_recusors query fast enough but ns6/7.camelotinteractive.com seem
to throttle.

Would set-minimum-ttl help to lets say 7200 help in your experience...
besides the big warning in the man-page, have you used it and did it hurt?

Thank you for your insight.

Best regards


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