[Pdns-users] PDNS AUTH GeoIP BACKEND with Maxminf MMDB files

David REYNAUD david at w3line.fr
Thu Sep 20 17:29:26 UTC 2018


To use Maxming GeopIP2 database (MMDB files), we must use PowerDNS Auth. 4.2 version
Found here : https://doc.powerdns.com/authoritative/backends/geoip.html

But i cannot find the 4.2 version.

I've tried to install PowerDNS AUTH Debian package from branch 'master' using the guide below (official powerdns repository) :
https://repo.powerdns.com/ > Debian > Debian 9 (Stretch) > PowerDNS Authoritative Server - master branch

When i configure the < geoip-database-files > with a MMDB file (ex. = geoip-database-files=/etc/powerdns/GeoIP-country.mmdb) the server failed to start.
ERROR in syslog : Exiting because communicator thread died with error: libmaxminddb support not compiled in

It's clear : mmdb (GeoIP2 new Maxmind format) file is not supported because the library libmaxminddb  was not compiled in PowerDNS master branch package.

I have tried compiling (./configure make make install) from Git source (always on the master branch) and it works !
We have to install package <  libmaxminddb-dev > prior to compile (ex. apt-get install libmaxminddb-dev) but it works !

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