[Pdns-users] MySQL backend and connection reuse

Xan Charbonnet xan at charbonnet.com
Mon Feb 5 05:15:20 UTC 2018


I'm working on migrating an installation from PowerDNS 3.1 on Debian 7 
"Wheezy" to PowerDNS 4.0.3 on Debian 9 "Stretch".

I'm using the MySQL backend, connected to MariaDB 10.1.30, which is not 
the Stretch default, but the one from the MariaDB repository.  I've 
tried the Stretch default PowerDNS 4.0.3, as well as PowerDNS 4.0.5 and 
PowerDNS 4.1.0 from the PowerDNS repository, and had the same problem.

I think fundamentally the problem I'm having boils down to this: the 
first time PowerDNS makes a basic-query, everything is fine.  Subsequent 
times, the response is somehow truncated, and/or a previously-seen SOA 
is returned.

It looks like the issue is between MariaDB and PowerDNS.  I set up socat 
as a logging proxy and observed that the first time I trigger a PowerDNS 
basic-query via dig, the exchanged traffic is ~10K.  The second time, 
it's ~4K.

If I kill the connection between PowerDNS and MariaDB, either by 
restarting MariaDB or simply by ordering MariaDB to kill the connection 
in use by PowerDNS, then the subsequent attempt fails because of the 
missing connection, but from then it's the same as the beginning: the 
next query after that will succeed and subsequent ones will fail.

 From the MariaDB command line I can make the exact queries that 
PowerDNS is making, verified by the MariaDB query log.  No problems 
there: no matter how many times I do that, I always get the full results.

I should mention that all my queries are stored procedures, in case that 
matters.  This all has worked perfectly on 3.1.

Any tips on what I should try next?  Thanks!

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