[Pdns-users] [Pdns-announce] PowerDNS Lua/GSLB records: we need your feedback

bert hubert bert.hubert at powerdns.com
Mon Dec 18 08:54:38 UTC 2017

On Fri, Dec 15, 2017 at 04:43:20PM +0100, Marco Davids (Private) wrote:
> >  We are happy to share a new development with you, one that we hinted
> >  at over a year ago: Lua resource records.
> Great stuff!


> > In this post, we ask for your help: did
> > we get the feature right?  Are we missing important things?
> I was wondering; would it be useful if LUA was able to influence the TTL
> of the DNS-answer? I believe that is not possible at the moment?

It is not possible now. The TTL is retrieved from the zonefile. Since there
is typically not that much room in a zonefile, we like to use the parts that
are there already.

If someone has a usecase, it could be done of course.

> Maybe this also applies to other parts of the synthesized LUA reply.
> Fiddling with RCODE comes to mind:

One of the reasons the LUA record type is rather simple is because it does
not change the existence of a record. This makes sure NXDOMAIN, NOERROR,
NSEC(3) bitmaps operate correctly. So you can't make a LUA record vanish.

So for full flexibility, we do offer the Lua backend: https://doc.powerdns.com/authoritative/

This has more power, but it also involves more typing.


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