[Pdns-users] 3.4.8 -> 4.0.1: Exiting because communicator?? thread died with STL error: stou

Oliver Peter lists at peter.de.com
Thu Sep 15 10:30:34 UTC 2016

On Thu, Sep 15, 2016 at 01:02:38PM +0300, cmouse wrote:
> Make sure its a number or NULL (not "")

You are a genius, thank you very much!

mysql> select notified_serial from domains where notified_serial is not null order by notified_serial asc limit 10;                                                                                                                   
| notified_serial |
|       -93865895 |
|               4 |
|      2006013100 |
|      2006050100 |
|      2006061900 |
|      2006061900 |
|      2006090500 |
|      2006090500 |
|      2006090500 |
|      2006091800 |
10 rows in set (1.04 sec)

mysql> select * from domains where notified_serial = -93865895;
| id     | name       | master        | last_check | type   | notified_serial | account |
| 845349 | xxxxxxx.de | xxx.xxx.xxx.x |       NULL | MASTER |       -93865895 | NULL    |
1 row in set (1.71 sec)

mysql> update domains set notified_serial = NULL where id = 845349 limit 1;                                                                                                                                                           
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0

Which has fixed the problem.

	I created the following issue https://github.com/PowerDNS/pdns/issues/4475

Oliver PETER       oliver at gfuzz.de       0x456D688F

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