[Pdns-users] Trying to migrate form bind9

at lbertosolorzano at lbertosolorzano
Wed May 18 08:51:58 UTC 2016


At work are thinking to migrate our nsX servers to PowerDNS from bind,
all its ok, but when we went to use zone2sql show this error:

root at powerdns:/etc/bind# zone2sql --gmysql
--named-conf=/etc/bind/named.conf > bindzones.sql

Fatal error: Error in bind configuration '/etc/bind/named.conf.dominios'
on line 2: syntax error

root at powerdns:/etc/bind# vim named.conf.dominios

zone "domainxxx.es" {
type master;
        file "/etc/bind/dominios/db.domainxxx.es";
        also-notify {;};
        allow-transfer {;};

Any suggestion or idea? Thanks!

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