[Pdns-users] Customize recursor configuration at runtime

bert hubert bert.hubert at powerdns.com
Wed Jun 8 06:20:32 UTC 2016

On Wed, Jun 08, 2016 at 12:14:33AM +0200, Andrea Cappelli wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to change some recursor configuration (for exampe
> forward-zone-recurse) at runtime for the specific request via LUA script
> based on source IP

Hi Andrea,

You can't change PowerDNS Recursor configuration settings from Lua. The
setting you mention however can be reloaded with 'rec_control reload-zones'.

> Can you point me to some documentation or examples to accomplish this?

If you want to forward dynamically based on IP address, dnsdist might be a
better fit for your needs, http://www.dnsdist.org/

Also, if you can explain your usecase (what you are trying to achieve), we
might have better suggestions.

Good luck!


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