[Pdns-users] gmysql modul, queries and tx_isolation

Thomas Mieslinger miesi at india.com
Wed Dec 21 20:42:41 UTC 2016

Hi Norbert,

please take a look at the database tables and you will immediately 
understand that pdns is looking up records to build dns answers.

You see '?' because pdns 4.0.0+ uses prepared statements, and thats the 
way mysql logs them.



Am 21.12.2016 um 11:48 schrieb bodenhaltung at googlemail.com:
> Hi,
> i have some questions about the gmysql module and some of the queries.
> 1. I see 20 queries every second like:
> SELECT content,ttl,prio,type,domain_id,disabled,name,auth FROM records
> WHERE disabled=0 and type=? and name=?
> SELECT content,ttl,prio,type,domain_id,disabled,name,auth FROM records
> WHERE disabled=0 and type=? and name=? and domain_id=?
> Can you help me to understand these queries? Or is it a Bug?
> 2. Why is "SET SESSION tx_isolation='READ-COMMITTED'" used? I would like
> to understand this, is there a way to disable these, without recompile?
> Thank you and best regards,
> Norbert
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