[Pdns-users] GSQLBackend lookup query:Attempt to bind more parameters

Aki Tuomi cmouse at cmouse.fi
Mon Dec 12 08:53:21 UTC 2016

On 12.12.2016 10:50, Palm Internet wrote:
> Hi guys
> After updating my PDNS and eventually getting V4.0.1 up and running, I
> get the following error
> Backend reported permanent error which prevented lookup (GSQLBackend
> lookup query:Attempt to bind more parameters than query has: SELECT
> content,ttl,prio,type,domain_id,disabled,name,auth FROM records WHERE
> disabled=0 and type=? and name=?), aborting
> I have added distributor-threads=10 but after about the first 5
> queries I get the same error again. The dns server is still running
> and answering queries.
> The dns server is connecting to a dedicated mysql server. My other dns
> server is running V3.3 but does not have this issue
> Any ideas please.
> Many thanks
> Patrick

Do you have custom queries?

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