[Pdns-users] Installing PowerDNS 4.x authorative server on Debian Jessie

Volker Janzen volker at janzen.onl
Wed Aug 3 07:21:51 UTC 2016

Hi Peter,

I'd contratict to call an upgrade path to pdns 4 with wheezy to jessie migration an 'exotic' setup. It was a very logical way to upgrade the existing pdns 3 cluster to pdns 4 and the upgrade to jessie was required, when the Debian packages from PowerDNS repo should be used.

At least everybody can now read about the possible problems and solutions in my last mail to Remi in the list archive.


> Am 02.08.2016 um 22:44 schrieb Peter van Dijk <peter.van.dijk at powerdns.com>:
> Hello Volker,
>> On 1 Aug 2016, at 22:24, Volker Janzen wrote:
>> Is the kernel version a strict requirement for PowerDNS? E.g. Virtuozzo 6 will have many years of support left, Debian Jessie is known to run well in Virtuozzo 6 containers. I think 50% of my cluster runs a 2.6.32 kernel that still receives support via RHEL6.
>> What happens if I comment the line on systems with older kernels? As far as I can see PowerDNS works normal. Why does systemd not disable the check for incompatibel kernel? Perhaps it would be an option, too, to disable systemd on all Debian Jessie containers and run init again.
> PowerDNS itself makes very few assumptions about the kernel. Features like reuseport may not work but it’s disabled by default. As has become clear from the discussion I hope, we cannot worry about systemd features breaking things in ‘exotic’ setups; this is, rudely put, not our problem.
> Kind regards,
> -- 
> Peter van Dijk
> PowerDNS.COM BV - https://www.powerdns.com/
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