[Pdns-users] Installing PowerDNS 4.x authorative server on Debian Jessie

Volker Janzen volker at janzen.onl
Tue Aug 2 13:32:19 UTC 2016

Hi Remi,

> Am 01.08.2016 um 18:52 schrieb Remi Gacogne <remi.gacogne at powerdns.com>:
> Well, you'll have to check what the Debian policy is, but I'm pretty
> sure you are going to have other issues if you run Jessie on top of an
> older kernel than the one shipped with Jessie.

I'm able to confirm that the unmodified systemd configuration works when I update to the kernel regular shipped with Debian Jessie. This was a manual step and not part of the dist-upgrade process.

I have not yet tested migration under a 2.6.32 (OpenVZ) kernel, because I need a backup plan first, if it's not possible to use PowerDNS 4 in this environment.


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