[Pdns-users] recursing for records which are missing from authoritative zones

Peter Thomassen peter at desec.io
Wed Apr 29 13:33:50 UTC 2015

Hi Ken,

On 04/29/2015 02:50 PM, ktm at rice.edu wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 11:26:41AM +0300, Kiki wrote:
>> Thanks for the info. I'm stull confused about the meaning of "for questions
>> for which there is no answer", in the following paragraph:
>> This means that for questions for which there is no answer, PowerDNS will
>> consult the recursor for an recursive query, even if PowerDNS is
>> authoritative for a domain!
>> I thought "an answer" means a record in the PowerDNS database
> But the authoritative server IS authoritative for that zone. What that
> means is that if a record does not exist in the zone DB or backend, a
> NXDOMAIN will be returned. It will never recurse because it KNOWS that
> the item does not exist. That is what authoritative means. You may
> want to try querying the recursor first and have it return any needed
> private records using Lua and then get the rest from your authoritative
> server.

So, what would be an example of a situation where "PowerDNS will
consult the recursor for an recursive query, even if PowerDNS is
authoritative for a domain"?

Apparently such cases exists, otherwise this sentence would not be in
the documentation.


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