[Pdns-users] STL Exception with rec_control command

GB gb at zurk.org
Tue Aug 26 08:44:09 UTC 2014


i don't know if this is a bug or normal. I am playing around with 
pdns-recursor 3.6.0-1 under Debian 7.6. I am using the official debian 
packages from the powerdns site and the mysql backend. I tried to wipe 
the cache with the rec_control command:

root at pdns-resolver:~# rec_control wipe-cache example.org
wiped 0 records, 0 negative records

Second time i made a typo in the command (a dot in front of example.org) 
which gives me an exception:

root at pdns-resolver:~# rec_control wipe-cache .example.org
Fatal: Unable to receive message over control channel: Success

Aug 26 10:32:35 pdns-resolver pdns_recursor[2680]: STL Exception: 
DNSPacketWriter::xfrLabel() found empty label in the middle of name

After that i am unable to use the rec_control command again without 
restart pdns_recursor. For example:

root at pdns-resolver:~# rec_control wipe-cache example.org
Fatal: Unable to receive message over control channel: Success

root at pdns-resolver:~# rec_control get-all
Fatal: Unable to receive message over control channel: Success
root at pdns-resolver:~#

Is this a normal behavior or a bug? Should i always take care to not 
type a dot in front of example.org?


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