[Pdns-users] Supermaster error

Aki Tuomi cmouse at youzen.ext.b2.fi
Fri May 10 06:28:46 UTC 2013

On Thu, May 09, 2013 at 03:54:36PM -0700, Gregg wrote:
> Hello,
> I've been trying to setup a PDNS server for a while now.  I have a local
> setup that seems to work perfectly.  Two PDNS server with MySQL replication.
> Now I have been trying to get PDNS to act as superslave for a few other
> servers.
> I have configured everything properly, added the supermaster IP address to
> supermaster.
> The error I'm getting is this:
> Error resolving SOA or NS for tester.com at: hostIP: Timeout waiting for
> answer from hostIP

On the superslave, try 

dig soa tester.com @hostIP
dig axfr tester.com @hostIP

also, make sure you have a functioning resolver configured for the host. 

if this does not help, please provide us with *real* ip addresses and domain
names so that we can test as well.

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