[Pdns-users] my pdns does'nt use my recursor

Bill Yuan bycn82 at gmail.com
Sun Mar 17 08:44:43 UTC 2013

Sorry , I just found actually it is using the , It is not
working properly because is an public ip which located in

On Sun, Mar 17, 2013 at 10:24 AM, Bill Yuan <bycn82 at gmail.com> wrote:
> hi
> I configured two ip addresses on my local linux for pdns, for
> the pdns, and for it's recursor.
> and I have another laptop using xp,
> I found when dns set to, my xp laptop can resolve the local
> domain which configured in the pdns,
> when dns set to , my xp laptop can resole the domain like
> www.google.com,
> So that means the pdns and the recursor are working.
> But when i set the dns to and quering www.google.com it will fail,
> So it there any way to check why the pdns did not invoke my recursor?
> I have configured "recursor=" in the pdns.conf

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