[Pdns-users] publish SPF and TXT records?

Marc van de Geijn marc at bhosted.nl
Wed Sep 5 16:14:21 UTC 2012

According to rfc's the dns server should publish both spf and txt. We now create the spf, but not the txt version of the same spf.

Met vriendelijke groet,

Marc van de Geijn

Op 5 sep. 2012 om 15:27 heeft "Peter van Dijk" <peter.van.dijk at netherlabs.nl> het volgende geschreven:

> Hello Marc,
> On Sep 5, 2012, at 9:36 , Marc van de Geijn wrote:
>> I just googled for 30 minutes for information about SPF records. At this moment only SPF records are published, but we noticed that some mailservers still only check for TXT records. Is there some option in PowerDNS to automaticly publish SPF records also as TXT records? Or do we have to do that manually?
> I have never heard of implementations that check SPF but not TXT. Are you sure you need the SPF type at all?
> Kind regards,
> -- 
> Peter van Dijk
> Netherlabs Computer Consulting BV - http://www.netherlabs.nl/
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