[Pdns-users] OpenDBX backend in PowerDNS 3.1

Jan-Piet Mens jpmens.dns at gmail.com
Sat May 26 18:01:56 UTC 2012

> I am a little confused by the
> documentation of the PowerDNS OpenDBX backend being documented on the
> OpenDBX web page rather than the PowerDNS web page. Who write the
> OpenDBX backend in the first place? The PowerDNS or the OpenDBX
> makers?

The OpenDBX back-end was written by Norbert Sendetzky of Linuxnetworks.

> Where do I direct wishlist bugs against the OpenDBX backend?

Probably to the bugtracker there [1], but I don't know how much feedback
you'll get. (IIRC, Norbert decided to drop support for the LDAP back-end
to PowerDNS he also authored...)

[1]: http://bugs.linuxnetworks.de/index.php?project=5

> When I use the MySQL credentials with a gmysql backend, everything is
> fine. When I use them via OpenDBX, all I get are SERVFAILs and log
> entries like

I'm sorry, but I don't recall any particulars since my writing about it.


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