[Pdns-users] local override question

Rory Toma rory at ooma.com
Thu Mar 22 21:44:38 UTC 2012

Sure, hadn't noticed that "reply" did not include list.
mysql info:

mysql> select * from records;
| id | domain_id | name       | type | content                   | ttl   
| prio | change_date |
|  1 |         1 | mgmt.ooma  | A    |              |   120 
| NULL |        NULL |
|  2 |         1 | ooma       | SOA  | localhost mail at ooma.com 1 | 86400 
| NULL |        NULL |
|  3 |         1 | mgmt       | A    |              |   120 
| NULL |        NULL |
|  4 |         1 | mgmt.ooma. | A    |              |   120 
| NULL |        NULL |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from domains;
| id | name | master | last_check | type   | notified_serial | account |
|  1 | ooma | NULL   |       NULL | NATIVE |            NULL | NULL    |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Here is my pdns.conf file: (for testing w/o recurse, I deleted the 
allow-recursion, allow-recursion-override, lazy-recursion, and recursor 

# Autogenerated configuration file template
# allow-axfr-ips        Allow zonetransfers only to these subnets
# allow-axfr-ips=

# allow-recursion       List of subnets that are allowed to recurse

# allow-recursion-override      Set this so that local data fully 
overrides the recursor

# cache-ttl     Seconds to store packets in the PacketCache
# cache-ttl=20

# chroot        If set, chroot to this directory for more security
# chroot=

# config-dir    Location of configuration directory (pdns.conf)

# config-name   Name of this virtual configuration - will rename the 
binary image
# config-name=
# control-console       Debugging switch - don't use
# control-console=no

# daemon        Operate as a daemon
# daemon=no

# default-soa-name      name to insert in the SOA record if none set in 
the backend
# default-soa-name=a.misconfigured.powerdns.server

# default-ttl   Seconds a result is valid if not set otherwise
# default-ttl=3600

# disable-axfr  Disable zonetransfers but do allow TCP queries
# disable-axfr=no

# disable-tcp   Do not listen to TCP queries
# disable-tcp=no

# distributor-threads   Default number of Distributor (backend) threads 
to start
# distributor-threads=3

# do-ipv6-additional-processing Do AAAA additional processing
# do-ipv6-additional-processing=no

# fancy-records Process URL and MBOXFW records
# fancy-records=no

# guardian      Run within a guardian process
# guardian=no

# launch        Which backends to launch and order to query them in
# launch=

# lazy-recursion        Only recurse if question cannot be answered locally

# load-modules  Load this module - supply absolute or relative path
# load-modules=

# local-address Local IP addresses to which we bind

# local-ipv6    Local IP address to which we bind
# local-ipv6=
# local-port    The port on which we listen

# log-dns-details       If PDNS should log DNS non-erroneous details
# log-dns-details=

# log-failed-updates    If PDNS should log failed update requests
# log-failed-updates=

# logfile       Logfile to use (Windows only)
# logfile=pdns.log

# logging-facility      Log under a specific facility
# logging-facility=

# loglevel      Amount of logging. Higher is more. Do not set below 3
# loglevel=4

# master        Act as a master
# master=no

# max-queue-length      Maximum queuelength before considering situation 
# max-queue-length=5000

# max-tcp-connections   Maximum number of TCP connections
# max-tcp-connections=10

# module-dir    Default directory for modules
# module-dir=/usr/local/lib

# negquery-cache-ttl    Seconds to store packets in the PacketCache
# negquery-cache-ttl=60

# no-shuffle    Set this to prevent random shuffling of answers - for 
regression testing
# no-shuffle=off

# out-of-zone-additional-processing     Do out of zone additional processing
# out-of-zone-additional-processing=yes

# pipebackend-abi-version       Version of the pipe backend ABI
# pipebackend-abi-version=1

# query-cache-ttl       Seconds to store packets in the PacketCache
# query-cache-ttl=20

# query-local-address   Source IP address for sending queries
# query-local-address=

# query-logging Hint backends that queries should be logged
# query-logging=no

# queue-limit   Maximum number of milliseconds to queue a query
# queue-limit=1500

# recursive-cache-ttl   Seconds to store packets in the PacketCache

# recursor      If recursion is desired, IP address of a recursing 

# send-root-referral    Send out old-fashioned root-referral instead of 
ServFail in case of no authority
# send-root-referral=no

# setgid        If set, change group id to this gid for more security
# setgid=

# setuid        If set, change user id to this uid for more security
# setuid=

# skip-cname    Do not perform CNAME indirection for each query
# skip-cname=no

# slave Act as a slave
# slave=no

# slave-cycle-interval  Reschedule failed SOA serial checks once every 
.. seconds
# slave-cycle-interval=60

# smtpredirector        Our smtpredir MX host
# smtpredirector=a.misconfigured.powerdns.smtp.server

# soa-expire-default    Default SOA expire
# soa-expire-default=604800

# soa-minimum-ttl       Default SOA mininum ttl
# soa-minimum-ttl=3600

# soa-refresh-default   Default SOA refresh
# soa-refresh-default=10800

# soa-retry-default     Default SOA retry
# soa-retry-default=3600

# soa-serial-offset     Make sure that no SOA serial is less than this 
# soa-serial-offset=0

# socket-dir    Where the controlsocket will live
# socket-dir=/var/run

# strict-rfc-axfrs      Perform strictly rfc compliant axfrs (very slow)
# strict-rfc-axfrs=no

# trusted-notification-proxy    IP address of incoming notification proxy
# trusted-notification-proxy=

# urlredirector Where we send hosts to that need to be url redirected
# urlredirector=

# use-logfile   Use a log file (Windows only)
# use-logfile=no

# version-string        PowerDNS version in packets - full, anonymous, 
or custom
# version-string=full

# webserver     Start a webserver for monitoring
# webserver=yes

# webserver-address     IP Address of webserver to listen on
# webserver-address=

# webserver-password    Password required for accessing the webserver

# webserver-port        Port of webserver to listen on

# webserver-print-arguments     If the webserver should print arguments
# webserver-print-arguments=no

# wildcard-url  Process URL and MBOXFW records
# wildcard-url=no

# wildcards     Honor wildcards in the database
# wildcards=


  gmysql-basic-query=select content,ttl,prio,type,domain_id,name from 
ooma_records \
  where type='%s' and name='%s' and ((expires is NULL) or (expires > 
  gmysql-id-query=select content,ttl,prio,type,domain_id,name from 
ooma_records \
  where type='%s' and name='%s' and domain_id=%d and ((expires is NULL) 
or (expires > UNIX_TIMESTAMP()))
  gmysql-any-query=select content,ttl,prio,type,domain_id,name from 
ooma_records \
  where name='%s' and ((expires is NULL) or (expires > UNIX_TIMESTAMP()))
  gmysql-any-id-query=select content,ttl,prio,type,domain_id,name from 
ooma_records \
where name='%s' and domain_id=%d and ((expires is NULL) or (expires > 

On 3/22/12 2:39 PM, Peter van Dijk wrote:
> Can you post your pdns.conf and the two selects to the mailing list so we can continue there?
> On Mar 22, 2012, at 22:38 , Rory Toma wrote:
>> It generates:
>> 2012-03-22 21:36:18 pdns2-beta Not authoritative for 'mgmt.ooma', sending servfa
>> il to (recursion was desired)
>> In the past, when I've made domains auth in pdns, it ends up not recursing at all because it sends an authoritative fail, which is not what I want either.
>> thx
>> On 3/22/12 2:32 PM, Peter van Dijk wrote:
>>> Can you try disabling all recursor forwarding for a moment, and then asking your pdns_server for mgmt.ooma?
>>> On Mar 22, 2012, at 22:31 , Rory Toma wrote:
>>>> mysql>   select * from domains;
>>>> +----+------+--------+------------+--------+-----------------+---------+
>>>> | id | name | master | last_check | type   | notified_serial | account |
>>>> +----+------+--------+------------+--------+-----------------+---------+
>>>> |  1 | ooma | NULL   |       NULL | NATIVE |            NULL | NULL    |
>>>> +----+------+--------+------------+--------+-----------------+---------+
>>>> 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
>>>> thx
>>>> mysql>    select * from records;
>>>> +----+-----------+------------+------+---------------------------+-------+------+-------------+
>>>> | id | domain_id | name       | type | content                   | ttl   | prio | change_date |
>>>> +----+-----------+------------+------+---------------------------+-------+------+-------------+
>>>> |  1 |         1 | mgmt.ooma  | A    |              |   120 | NULL |        NULL |
>>>> |  2 |         1 | ooma       | SOA  | localhost mail at ooma.com 1 | 86400 | NULL |        NULL |
>>>> |  3 |         1 | mgmt       | A    |              |   120 | NULL |        NULL |
>>>> |  4 |         1 | mgmt.ooma. | A    |              |   120 | NULL |        NULL |
>>>> +----+-----------+------------+------+---------------------------+-------+------+-------------+
>>>> 4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
>>>>> Kind regards,
>>> Kind regards,
> Kind regards,

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