[Pdns-users] local override question

Peter van Dijk peter.van.dijk at netherlabs.nl
Thu Mar 22 21:28:39 UTC 2012

On Mar 22, 2012, at 22:27 , Rory Toma wrote:

> On 3/22/12 2:26 PM, Peter van Dijk wrote:
>> Hello Rory,
>> On Mar 22, 2012, at 22:03 , Rory Toma wrote:
>>> mysql>  select * from records;
>>> +----+-----------+------------+------+---------------------------+-------+------+-------------+
>>> | id | domain_id | name       | type | content                   | ttl   | prio | change_date |
>>> +----+-----------+------------+------+---------------------------+-------+------+-------------+
>>> |  1 |         1 | bar.foo  | A    |              |   120 | NULL |        NULL |
>> Without a SOA record, there is no authority. You need to add a SOA record for 'foo'.
>> Kind regards,
> SOrry, forgot to paste that...
> 2 |         1 | ooma       | SOA  | localhost mail at ooma.com 1 | 86400 | NULL |        NULL |

ooma does not match foo. It's best to not obfuscate your pastes, to avoid errors like this. Can you show us your full setup without changing names?

Kind regards,
Peter van Dijk
Netherlabs Computer Consulting BV - http://www.netherlabs.nl/

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