[Pdns-users] Pdns-users mailing list unavailable

Brielle Bruns bruns at 2mbit.com
Mon Nov 28 16:38:52 UTC 2011

On 11/28/11 12:49 AM, Tom wrote:
> Hi there,
> I haven't received anything from the pdns-users mailing list since the
> 24th at 0700 GMT. I can see from the archive page here that there have
> been more mails, including 2 replies to the [Pdns-users] Bind Master,
> PDNS Slave Notifies being ignored.
> And since then, I have had no connections from your servers at all. It
> looks like no-one has replied to my mails on the list either, and
> they're usually pretty good at getting back to people, so I suspect that
> they haven't seen the mail because of this issue.
> Hopefully this has just slipped through the net, and someone just needs
> to fire up a service that didn't start on boot or something :)
> Cheers. Tom.

Or, people were busy with their families if they were in the US 
(Thanksgiving), or were working on a full time job, or some other time 
occupying activity.  This list can go through times of quiet, and other 
times of high activity.

If this is a time critical matter, I do know there is various levels of 
commercial support that are available, including a per incident one:


You can also attempt to ask in the #powerdns channel on irc.oftc.net and 
you may get lucky and find one or more of the developers and/or power 
users online and able to talk.

Brielle Bruns
The Summit Open Source Development Group
http://www.sosdg.org    /     http://www.ahbl.org

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