[Pdns-users] PDNS Recursor on Debian / Low performance !!!URGENT!!!!

Maroon Ibrahim maroon_ibrahim at hotmail.com
Mon Feb 7 09:38:42 UTC 2011

###################  Before run-test


DNS:/# rec_control get-all

all-outqueries  501740

dlg-only-drops  0

dont-outqueries 26

outgoing-timeouts       352596

tcp-outqueries  35

throttled-out   76300

throttled-outqueries    76300

unreachables    426

answers-slow    91083

answers0-1      3244

answers1-10     8

answers10-100   159

answers100-1000 4954

case-mismatches 0

chain-resends   27374

client-parse-errors     0

edns-ping-matches       0

edns-ping-mismatches    0

ipv6-outqueries 0

no-packet-error 13695

noedns-outqueries       501773

noerror-answers 89157

noping-outqueries       0

nsset-invalidations     7428

nxdomain-answers        82803

over-capacity-drops     31945

qa-latency      0

questions       436747

resource-limits 0

server-parse-errors     2

servfail-answers        232830

spoof-prevents  0

tcp-client-overflow     0

tcp-questions   0

unauthorized-tcp        0

unauthorized-udp        0

unexpected-packets      4

cache-entries   90682

cache-hits      3172

cache-misses    96276

concurrent-queries      1

negcache-entries        4095

nsspeeds-entries        13

packetcache-entries     33682

packetcache-hits        305351

packetcache-misses      131403

sys-msec        13748

tcp-clients     0

throttle-entries        14851

uptime  172258

user-msec       57667




############ RESULTS #######AND  After RUN TEST ############################




Received a response with an unexpected (maybe timed out) id: 1619

[Timeout] Query timed out: msg id 10932

[Timeout] Query timed out: msg id 10933

[Timeout] Query timed out: msg id 10935

[Timeout] Query timed out: msg id 10939

[Timeout] Query timed out: msg id 10940

[Timeout] Query timed out: msg id 10941

[Timeout] Query timed out: msg id 10947

[Timeout] Query timed out: msg id 10949

[Timeout] Query timed out: msg id 10958

[Timeout] Query timed out: msg id 10960

[Timeout] Query timed out: msg id 10961

[Timeout] Query timed out: msg id 10967

Warning: Received a response with an unexpected (maybe timed out) id: 3309

Warning: Received a response with an unexpected (maybe timed out) id: 3444

[Timeout] Query timed out: msg id 10974

[Timeout] Query timed out: msg id 10975

[Timeout] Query timed out: msg id 10977

[Status] Testing complete


Parse input file:     multiple times

  Run time limit:       30 seconds

  Ran through file:     0 times

  Queries sent:         10978

  Queries completed:    6309 queries

  Queries lost:         4669

  Queries delayed(?):   0 queries

4.999941 sec

0.000019 sec

  RTT average:         
1.298034 sec

  RTT std deviation:    1.693369 sec

  RTT out of range:     0 queries

Percentage completed:  57.47%

  Percentage lost:       42.53%

Started at:           Mon
Feb  7 06:37:07 2011

  Finished at:          Mon
Feb  7 06:37:41 2011

33.572715 seconds

Queries per second:   187.920459 qps










dont-outqueries 29

outgoing-timeouts       399635

tcp-outqueries  35

throttled-out   103894

throttled-outqueries    103894

unreachables    426

answers-slow    98200

answers0-1      4300

answers1-10     8

answers10-100   160

answers100-1000 4956

case-mismatches 0

chain-resends   27381

client-parse-errors     0

edns-ping-matches       0

edns-ping-mismatches    0

ipv6-outqueries 0

no-packet-error 13702

noedns-outqueries       548887

noerror-answers 90602

noping-outqueries       0

nsset-invalidations     8573

nxdomain-answers        82911

over-capacity-drops     31945

qa-latency      0

questions       447725

resource-limits 0

server-parse-errors     2

servfail-answers        242250

spoof-prevents  0

tcp-client-overflow     0

tcp-questions   0

unauthorized-tcp        0

unauthorized-udp        0

unexpected-packets      4

cache-entries   90330

cache-hits      4225

cache-misses    103399

concurrent-queries      4

negcache-entries        4009

nsspeeds-entries        5692

packetcache-entries     34235

packetcache-hits        308149

packetcache-misses      139583

sys-msec        14432

tcp-clients     0

throttle-entries        33963

uptime  172491

user-msec       61139


AS for the recursor.conf... I still didn't touch it.... what is your best recommendation to have the opimum cache?? 

Please advise....

> Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2011 10:21:23 +0100
> From: bert.hubert at netherlabs.nl
> To: maroon_ibrahim at hotmail.com
> CC: pdns-users at mailman.powerdns.com
> Subject: Re: [Pdns-users] PDNS Recursor on Debian / Low performance !!!URGENT!!!!
> On Mon, Feb 07, 2011 at 09:17:29AM +0000, Maroon Ibrahim wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > As for the file descriptors, I already added the following:
> >  
> > - in sysctl.conf : fs.file-max = 65535
> >  
> > - in /etc/init.d/pdns-recursor  
> >  
> > #!/bin/sh
> > # chkconfig: - 80 75
> > # description: pdns_recursor is a versatile high performance recursing nameserver
> > ulimit -HSn 65536
> > 
> > How can I know that the above settings are working? with squid for example, I can know by doing squidclient -p port mgr:info.... 
> Before a test-run, and then afterward, can you run:
> rec_control get-all
> And mail the output? So run it twice, once before, once after.
> This will let us know what is limiting your performance. My best guess is
> something in your network.
> 	Bert
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