[Pdns-users] strange resolution problem

Mario Caruso caruso at tiscali.com
Tue Jun 22 12:31:44 UTC 2010

I've just upgrade my bind dns cache server to pdns-recursor and I'm having some troubles 
in resolving the name hostname www.cafsials.it ; this should be a CNAME to another record : 
web.dataufficio.com , but it seems taht pdns_recursor daemon is not accepting this resolution
... but I cannot understand why, if I try to resolve it with bind daemon on the same server I get
a valid responde.

Here is an except from the daemon log files, can someone  explain me what is happening ?

thank you


Jun 22 14:16:43 elan pdns_recursor[26638]: [2048] www.cafsials.it.: Trying IP, asking 'www.cafsials.it.|A'
Jun 22 14:16:43 elan pdns_recursor[26638]: [2048] www.cafsials.it.: Got 2 answers from ns2.register.it. (, rcode=3, in 41ms
Jun 22 14:16:43 elan pdns_recursor[26638]: [2048] www.cafsials.it.: accept answer 'www.cafsials.it.|CNAME|web.dataufficio.com.' from 'cafsials.it.' nameservers? YES!
Jun 22 14:16:43 elan pdns_recursor[26638]: [2048] www.cafsials.it.: accept answer 'dataufficio.com.|SOA|ns1.register.it. hostmaster.register.it. 2004061701 10800 3600 604800 86400' from 'cafsials.it.' nameservers? NO!
Jun 22 14:16:43 elan pdns_recursor[26638]: [2048] www.cafsials.it.: determining status after receiving this packet
Jun 22 14:16:43 elan pdns_recursor[26638]: [2048] www.cafsials.it.: status=NXDOMAIN, we are done 
Jun 22 14:16:43 elan pdns_recursor[26638]: [2048] www.cafsials.it.: failed (res=3)
Jun 22 14:16:43 elan pdns_recursor[26638]: 0 [2048] answer to question 'www.cafsials.it.|A': 1 answers, 0 additional, took 2
packets, 0 throttled, 0 timeouts, 0 tcp connections, rcode=3
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